Here naverokê


This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.

Navê etîketêAppearance on change listsFull description of meaningSourceÇalak?Tagged changes
mobile editGuhartina mobîlGuhartinên bi telefonekê çêkirî (malper an sepan)Defined by the softwareErê169.337 guhartinan
mobile web editGuhartina malpera mobîlGuhartinên bi malpera mobîlê çêkirîDefined by the softwareErê164.229 guhartinan
advanced mobile editGuhartina mobîl a pêşketîGuhartina ku ji aliyê bikarhêner ve bi moda pêşketî ve hatiye çêkirinDefined by the softwareErê118.178 guhartinan
visualeditorGuhartina dîtbarîBi bikaranîna guhartina dîtbarî hat guhartinDefined by the softwareErê77.822 guhartinan
mw-revertedBetalkirîEdits that were later reverted by a different editDefined by the softwareErê56.405 guhartinan
mw-manual-revertBetalkirina destîEdits that manually restore the page to an exact previous stateDefined by the softwareErê50.104 guhartinan
wikieditor(hidden)Edit made using WikiEditor (2010 wikitext editor)Defined by the softwareErê36.226 guhartinan
mw-new-redirectBeralîkirineke nûGuhartinên ku beralîkirineke nû çêdikin an jî rûpelekê dikin beralîkirinekDefined by the softwareErê14.743 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 4664paws [2.2]granting access for paws users. Giving additional "Edit protected pages" grant as requested in T338023Defined by the softwareErê14.138 guhartinan
discussiontools-added-comment(hidden)A talk page comment was added in this editDefined by the softwareErê10.763 guhartinan
mw-changed-redirect-targetGuhartina aliyê beralîkirinêEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareErê5226 guhartinan
mobile app editGuhartina sepana mobîlGuhartinên ku bi sepanên mobîl hatine çêkirinDefined by the softwareErê5217 guhartinan
mw-undoBetal bikeEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareErê3846 guhartinan
discussiontools(hidden)Bi DiscussionToolsê re hat guhartinDefined by the softwareErê3504 guhartinan
android app editGuhartina sepana AndroidêGuhartinên ku ji sepana mobîl ya Androidê hatine çêkirinDefined by the softwareErê2985 guhartinan
visualeditor-wikitext2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyêGuhartinên bi rêya 2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyê hatine pêkanînDefined by the softwareErê2964 guhartinan
discussiontools-replyBersiv bideBikarhêner cewab da şîrovekê bi DiscussionToolsê reDefined by the softwareErê2498 guhartinan
discussiontools-source(hidden)DiscussionTools di şiklê çavkaniyê de bûDefined by the softwareErê2400 guhartinan
discussiontools-source-enhanced(hidden)DiscussionTools was in enhanced source mode with the toolbarDefined by the softwareErê2209 guhartinan
contenttranslation[[1]]Naverok ji zimanekî din bi bikaranîna amûra Wergerandina Naverokê hatiye wergerandin.Defined by the softwareErê2171 guhartinan
visualeditor-switchedGuhartina dîtbarî: Ji çavkaniyê hatiye guhartinBikarhênerî bi edîtora dîtbarî dest bi guhartinê kir, dû re çûye ser edîtora wîkînivîsê.Defined by the softwareErê2150 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 1841PAWS [2.1]PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords.Defined by the softwareErê1897 guhartinan
mw-removed-redirectBeralîkirinê jê birEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareErê1815 guhartinan
KilîdaRêzkirinêKilîdaRêzkirinêGuhartinên ku bi amûra addSortKey.js tên çêkirin. Ji bo veşartina rûpelên ku bi vê etîketê hatine çêkirin di rûpela Guhartinên dawî de pê li "Nîşankirin" bikin, dûre pê li "Yên bijartî derxe" bikin û "KilîdaRêzkirinê" hilbijêrin.Defined by the softwareErê1790 guhartinan
disambiguator-link-addedDisambiguation linksEdits that add links to disambiguation pagesDefined by the softwareErê1739 guhartinan
contenttranslation-v2[[1]]Naverok ji zimanekî din bi bikaranîna versiyona duyem a amûra Wergerandina Naverokê hatiye wergerandin.Defined by the softwareErê1307 guhartinan
editcheck-references(hidden)EditCheck thinks a reference might have been neededDefined by the softwareErê1234 guhartinan
discussiontools-visual(hidden)DiscussionTools di şiklê dîtinê de bûDefined by the softwareErê1104 guhartinan
editcheck-newreference(hidden)A reference was added to the pageDefined by the softwareErê1011 guhartinan
discussiontools-newtopicMijareke nûBikarhêner mijarekê lê zêde kir bi DiscussionToolsê reDefined by the softwareErê1006 guhartinan
mw-rollbackVegerandinEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareErê878 guhartinan
mw-blankValakirinGuhartinên ku rûpelekê vala dikinDefined by the softwareErê738 guhartinan
mw-replaceXist şûnêGuhartinên ku bêhtirî ji 90% naverokê jê dibinDefined by the softwareErê707 guhartinan
sectiontranslation[[1]]Naverok ji beşekê di zimanekî din de bi bikaranîna taybetmendiya Wergerandina Beşê ya amûra Wergerandina Naverokê hatiye wergerandin.Defined by the softwareErê648 guhartinan
editcheck-newcontent(hidden)EditCheck thinks new content was added to the pageDefined by the softwareErê617 guhartinan
newcomer taskNewcomer taskEdit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê492 guhartinan
ios app editGuhartina sepana iOSêGuhartinên ku ji sepana mobîl ya iOsê hatine çêkirinDefined by the softwareErê488 guhartinan
newcomer task add linkSuggested: add links"Add link" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê371 guhartinan
massmessage-deliveryMassMessage deliveryMessage delivery using Extension:MassMessageDefined by the softwareErê312 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 1805SWViewer [1.4]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareErê150 guhartinan
newcomer task linksNewcomer task: links"Links" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê80 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 3711PAWS [2.1]PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords.Defined by the softwareErê41 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 1352SWViewer [1.3]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareNa33 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 6365SWViewer [1.6]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareErê29 guhartinan
emojiEmojiUsed by global abuse filter 110.Defined by the softwareErê20 guhartinan
T144167T144167Defined by the softwareErê13 guhartinan
newcomer task expandNewcomer task: expand"Expand" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê9 guhartinan
editcheck-references-activatedEdit Check (references) activatedEditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shownDefined by the softwareErê9 guhartinan
repeated xwiki CoI abuserepeated xwiki CoI abuseDefined by the softwareErê8 guhartinan
fileimporter-remoteModified by FileImporterEdits made by the FileImporter extension after successfully importing a file from this wiki.Defined by the softwareErê8 guhartinan
blankingblankingNo longer in useNa7 guhartinan
newcomer task referencesNewcomer task: references"References" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê7 guhartinan
mentorship module questionPirsa modula mentoriyêEdit made from the homepage mentorship module's "Ask your mentor" featureDefined by the softwareErê5 guhartinan
mentorship panel questionMentorship panel questionEdit made from the help panel's "Ask your mentor" featureDefined by the softwareErê4 guhartinan
editcheck-reference-decline-otherEdit Check (references) declined (other)EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reasonDefined by the softwareErê3 guhartinan
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledgeEdit Check (references) declined (common knowledge)EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledgeDefined by the softwareErê3 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 1261SWViewer [1.2]App to view recent changes on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, quick reverts, etc. See [[ru:User:Iluvatar/SWViewer]].Defined by the softwareNa2 guhartinan
OAuth CID: 651Fountain [0.1.3]An application that greatly assists at edit-a-thons by collecting the submitted articles, showing the marks, and helping the jury.Defined by the softwareErê2 guhartinan
mentor list changementor list changeDefined by the softwareErêguhartinekê
OAuth CID: 429PAWS [1.2]PAWS (Pywikibot: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other python code) online via a Jupyterhub instance, at OAuth integration allows people to edit / run automated processes without having to expose their passwords. This will make the consumer_secret and consumer_id public, until is fixed. I have talked to Chris Steipp about this and it is ok for the short term.Defined by the softwareNaguhartinekê
possible vandalismpossible vandalismNo longer in useNaguhartinekê
OAuth CID: 1804IABotManagementConsole [1.2]A web interface of tools that improve the DB, articles, or queues up IABot to run on a set of articles.Defined by the softwareErêguhartinekê
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevantEdit Check (references) declined (irrelevant)EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevantDefined by the softwareErêguhartinekê
mw-contentmodelchangecontent model changeEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
mw-server-side-uploadServer-side uploadMedia files that were uploaded via a maintenance scriptDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
centralnoticeCentral NoticeEdit created via the CentralNotice Admin UIDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
centralnotice translationCentral Notice TranslationEdit of CentralNotice content created via the Translate extensionDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
disneynewdisneynewDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
meta spam idmeta spam idDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
OTRS permission added by non-OTRS memberOTRS permission added by non-OTRS memberDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
abusefilter-condition-limitcondition limit reachedEdits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters (help).Defined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertainEdit Check (references) declined (uncertain)EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertainDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
visualeditor-needcheckGuhartina dîtbarî: Kontrol bikeGuhartina ku bi edîtora dîtbarî hatiye çêkirin ku li wir sîstemê dît ku di wîkînivîsê de dibe ku guhartinên nexwestî hebin.Defined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-suggestededitApp suggested editEdits made with the Suggested Edits feature in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-undoApp undoUndo actions made from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-rollbackApp rollbackRollback actions made from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-description-addApp description addShort descriptions added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-description-changeApp description changeShort descriptions modified from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
app-description-translateApp description translateShort description translations added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
discussiontools-editŞiroveya guhartîBikarhêner şîroveke heyî bi DiscussionToolsê re guhartDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
contenttranslation-high-unmodified-mt-textContentTranslation: High unmodified machine translation usageTranslation published using ContentTranslation has high percentage of unmodified machine translationDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
campaign-external-machine-translationcampaign-external-machine-translationDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
help panel questionPirsa panela alîkariyêEdit made from the help panel's post a question featureDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
help module questionHelp module questionEdit made from the homepage help module's "Ask a question" featureDefined by the softwareNa0 guhartinan
newcomer task image suggestionSuggested: add images"Add images" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
newcomer task section image suggestionSuggested: add images to sections"Add images to sections" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
newcomer task copyeditNewcomer task: copyedit"Copyedit" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan
newcomer task updateNewcomer task: update"Update" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhartinan